Cold Drinks Were the Remedy

Written by Marcus Sanatan

What do Code and Drinks have in common? Namespace events! Thankfully not together (imagine the bugs). Since we had an event for coding recently, this time we got about the drinking part!

We got cozy at Bootleggers from around 6pm. The rain killed our dream to sit outside but it didn’t kill our night one bit.

Our conversations flowed from the get go. At times we were looking at software developer jobs available in T&T, and how to ensure all our good talent doesn’t get exported. Some Node.js developers had a chat about the future of JavaScript (we’re pretty excited for ES6!) and how NPM really supports an ecosystem that keeps developers happy and productive. We weren’t just forward thinking for Node.js, what about Software Development as a whole? The region seems to be blazing with mobile app development, maybe data might be the next big wave to take us by storm? No one seemed sure but we all got the feeling that even bigger things are happening - it’s an amazing time to be in our profession.

How much code do you have to write to buy a brand new car? For one guy it took 18 lines (what am I doing with my life?). Hey, that guy doesn’t like >insert programming style preference<! No one cares, we had a lot bigger things on the table. Speaking of things on the table, the drinks were not a myth! I elected for the following beauty:

Chocolate and Raspberry Milkshake! Nothing more hardcore than getting drunk off a chocolate and raspberry milkshake :). As with any other Trinbagonian gathering food was a must, unfortunately no pics (I guess I was hungry).

Everyone who came in and out had a good time. After all, birds of a feather flock together. Till next time, Happy mixing everyone!

P.S. Know.your.limit. If you’re drinking alcohol please arrange transport before you hit the road, arrive alive my friend!